MSS Button was opened in 2001 in Mirpur, Dhaka. because we needed a good selection of quality buttons. Our company established as button Create and manufacturing factory. Over the past 20 years our selection of buttons has grown to over 8000 styles. Most of our clients are local and abroad( Italy, Germany, England, The Czech Republic, South America and the USA). Some of the online competitors say they can undersell us but they are selling inferior buttons from China. Many of the Glass, Natural and Hand Crafted buttons are our main products. All the buttons you see on our website we stock and ship usually within 24 hours of your order. Having been in business for over 20 years we are proud of our customer service. So if you have any button questions you can always reach me by e-mail ( or call our phone no.

Thanks again for using Mss Button Products for your button needs.